Most people go through life letting it happen to them.
Not you.
In the Adventure Mastermind, you will actively create your ideal life through having adventures with new friends, diving deep into what it means to live a life of passion + integrity with no regrets, and learning practical tools to take your life to the next unstoppable level.
Your life is your masterpiece, and we don’t f*ck around when it comes to that.
The Fall 2021 Adventure Mastermind is Full
Click here to get on the waitlist!
Registration for the spring cohort of the Adventure Mastermind will open in January 2022 – save the dates
Days left until doors open:
Do you have a hard time taking action because you’re afraid of failing?
Does it drive you nuts how much you obsess about what others think of you?
Have you noticed you are constantly trying to please the people around you (often at the expense of your own happiness)?
Maybe you always hit a wall right before you’re about to have a breakthrough…
Maybe you find yourself not being who you genuinely want to be in the world and tolerating way more than you want to…
Perhaps you sabotage yourself in intimate relationships, friendships, and career…
If you can relate to any of these things, “Hallelujah, sister!” You’re in the right place!
Make lifelong friends with amazing womxn who want to create a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose – just like you.
They aren’t your average travelers – they’re ready for full-on adventure and living life wild + free. Every damn day. Also – this isn’t a competitive adventure race – we support every womxn rising. Together.
Whether you’re aching to launch your dream career (and leave the one you feel stuck in), gathering the courage to actually be you and wear whatever the f*ck you want and say whatever the hell you feel like saying, or starting to wondering why you are tolerating the things you are in life, one thing’s for sure:
You want to feel aligned – that your life on the outside matches who you are on the inside. You want to feel proud and confident – no regrets, no matter what.
The Adventure Mastermind will provide you with all the tool, coaching, support, and adventures that you need to do exactly that.
In the Adventure Mastermind, you’ll also uplevel your Ziji : radiant inner confidence.
Ziji doesn’t depend on what others think. It’s the kind of confidence that doesn’t give a shit about how you measure up to someone else, because you feel So. Damn. Good. in your own skin.
Sure, you know {deep down} you are smart, sexy, and funny.
You’ve managed to start dreaming of more fulfilling careers.
And maybe you’ve even quit your job.
You’ve decided that maybe – just maybe – the soulmate thing isn’t bullshit after all, and you don’t want to settle. Ever.
Perhaps your life is even coveted by those around you.
But there’s just one little problem:
Your life – and how you live it – isn’t reflective of who you really are.
And you know it.
Having radiant inner confidence doesn’t just influence how successful you are.
It has an effect on:
// How in-love-with-life you are.
// How proud you are of the person you’ve become.
// How many risks you’re willing to take to create the life you want.
And while keeping your shit together or “just” doing better than everyone else isn’t a sin…
It only represents you on a scale of 1-10, compared to others.
Not the you who is way beyond numbers.
Introducing the Adventure Mastermind:
This is a proven, field-tested system that has literally changed the lives of so many people like you.
People who know they are amazing but aren’t living like it.
People who remember how totally ALIVE they felt “back in the day” and yearn to have that again (you know it’s in there somewhere!).
People with genuine talent, beauty, and creativity that don’t quite know how to OWN IT! (yet)
While you’ve “gotten by” all these years, surviving embarrassing moments, being uncomfortable center-stage, managing awkward dates, putting up with so-so relationships, and tolerating all the bullshit you tolerate, a Freedom Junkie’s life isn’t about tolerating.
It is about creating an epic life on your own terms.
It’s about being authentically you.
It’s about showing up in the world and living your life in a way that you’re proud of.
In a Freedom Junkie’s life, you’re creating a life where you are happy to say, “No, thanks” because you know something better is coming. Creating a life where you are comfortable being picky. Creating a future where you actually savor the life that you have busted your ass to create – and truly deserve. Creating an authentic YOU that knows they deserve to be prioritized and cared for. Creating every precious day as you wake up unafraid of what might happen, because you know you can handle whatever life may bring.
How to get there?
Your ziji. Your Unshakeable, Radiant Inner Confidence.
Except that confidence of yours might not feel so radiant – or unshakeable.
And that’s where the Adventure Mastermind comes in.
I know that Confidence isn’t built up overnight. I know that it takes more than one workshop to imagine, plan, and execute what it takes to create the next amazing chapter in your life.
When they’re not there – when you get some negative feedback, or the person you were waaaaay into doesn’t call you, or you didn’t land the job – that shaky confidence fades. Ouch.
Enter: anxiety.
I know that true unshakeable confidence comes from an inner, radiant, powerful source that also manifests as outward successes.
That’s why I made this for you.
I know not everyone likes to geek out and learn the scientifically-proven methods for increasing confidence, getting sh*t done and learning to not care what other people think about you- but I do, and I love sharing😉
Plus, I make it fun for you so that you don’t have to re-read all the scientific stuff I’ve poured over during my 30+ years of geeking out on this stuff – in academic centers and in the real world.
I’ve packaged it all up in an epic 6-month experience – just for you!
“We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.” ~ Jim Rohn
Let’s do this together. Creating an aligned life also doesn’t happen alone on an island – even if that island is in Hawai’i 😉 It requires a squad of amazing people to help you be brave, and take risks, and go beyond your comfort zone so that you emerge a more authentic and bigger version of you. So I created that squad – and would love for you to join!
I want you to have unshakeable inner confidence that lasts – to (as we say), “Ziji Up!”
The Adventure Mastermind will help you:
- Seize OPPORTUNITIES that show up, so you don’t wonder “What if I had…”
- Get clear about exactly what you want in life – your deepest desires finally outed. Savor the success that flows to you when you allow your badass to show up in the world and in what you create
- Be proud of the person you’ve become. You’re so much more than that list of dreams written in your journal – you are those dreams MANIFESTED – and you need to get out there and live them!
- Know how to show up for YOURSELF consistently, and be able to cultivate the self-respect that comes from knowing you can trust yourself. No more flaking on your promises you’ve made. More, “I’ve got this!”
Be an inspiration to your family and friends as they watch you create the life of your dreams
- Have moments of pure relaxation, because that’s how it feels when your outer life is in alignment with your inner one. You are in the body of a person you respect – you.
- Get unstuck and let go of the things that drain you, overwhelm you, and suck the life out of you.
- Build a sense of sovereignty, so you step out of being a martyr or victim and start coming from a place of power.
- Build resilience. Be able to handle the emotions that come up during hard times, knowing that even when life isn’t going your way, you’ve got what it takes to handle it. Life stoped being about avoiding and more about, “Bring it on!”
- And most importantly, at the end of the day, to look at your life and genuinely feel a sense of pride at how you showed up in the world – for yourself, and for others. You’ll feel that sense of well-being that comes from knowing that no matter how the day goes, you know deep down you’ve done your best.

We’ll schedule a chat and you can ask me any questions you have and get clear if this is right for you
We are committed to social justice
Partial scholarships are available for BIPOC applicants in financial need, and 10% of all profits go to go to the Native Hawaiian non-profit Kahea to support the Aloha ‘Āina fund. We need to understand our impact when we visit native lands, remember that we are only visitors + travel with minimal impact, and give back.
The Fall 2021 Adventure Mastermind is Full
Registration for the spring cohort of the Adventure Mastermind will open in January 2022 – save the dates
Days left until doors open:
Bottom line: The Adventure Mastermind will open up a whole new way of being in your life – one where you boldly step into the future and actively create your dreams, living with no excuses – and no regrets, one where you see what you want, and go for it. And get it. One where you say, “Bring it on. I can take it. Watch me.” Bonus: You’ll inspire others to make the most out of this precious thing called life.
Interested? Thought so;)
Remember: this is a hands-on experience. It’s not for people who want to sit back and “hope” for change in their lives while watching others do the work. I want you to feel the excitement as you watch your own power and energy rise to higher and higher levels.
So, as we move through the Adventure Mastermind together, you’ll gain clarity and get total velocity using the tools I give you and the support of your squad.
The Adventure Mastermind Includes:
Two epic retreats: one on the Big Island of Hawai’i, April 4-8, 2022 and one at our own private sea kayaking cove in Alaska, August 21-25, 2022
Retreats include lodging (in beautiful places!), all meals, ground transportation, at least 2 adventures on EACH retreat…and surprises (of course – that’s how I roll!). You just need to get your gorgeous self to our starting point.
Early bird BONUS: 6 private 30-minute sessions to use with Ana at any time during the mastermind *
The updated Adventure Mastermind lifestyle design curriculum, created with the unique needs of a true Freedom Junkie in mind. It will help you create a value-based life that is fulfilling and without regrets.
Access to a private member’s app to receive ongoing coaching
The first month starts with a 1/2 day virtual retreat where we dive deeply into what you want to create in the Adventure Mastermind and steps to get started
Intimate small-group coaching calls – yes, they’re recorded if you can’t make it!
Curated activity sheets and practical tools to help you integrate what you learn
An ongoing private forum where you can ask questions, receive support, and celebrate successes!
As my VIP clients, you also receive greater access to me for exclusive coaching throughout the program. Think of it like having me on retainer. You can ask me questions by video or chat in our exclusive group app M-Th 9-5 Alaska time and I’ll get back to you by video, audio or messaging. Pinky promise. I’ve got you.
A squad of amazing women who want to create a life of freedom, adventure and purpose – just like you!
…and more
* must register by January 31, 2022

“Before working with Ana I worked with another coach, but honestly it was just ok and I never implemented anything we talked about.
After just one week in the Adventure Mastermind with Ana I knew I had found someone who truly could help me create a life of my dreams. Working with Ana is absolutely EPIC experience. She has this magical power that will help you smash through what ever is holding you back + help you get you ah-freaking-mazing clarity on what you TRUELY want.
It’s been a few weeks into our program and I use the tools that Ana taught me to make inspired decisions about my life + business daily. I’m on the road to creating a life packed full of adventure, creativity + FUN!! Thank you, ANA!!
~ Sarat Hart, Canada

(to read more of these, click here)
You can do this. I know that. The question is . . . do YOU?
Do you believe that you CAN live with purpose and Ziji Up your Life? Then seize this opportunity NOW! Once we close the doors, that’s it, sistah.
Grab Your Spot Now, and never wonder “What if?” in a life full of opportunities again.
In case you haven’t figure it out yet – you are totally worth it;)

Take advantage of the early bird bonus and lock in private sessions with me
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Will this program solve all my problems? How is it different from all the others?
The short answer – this depends on you. Kind of like life.
The Adventure Mastermind is not a magic pill. There is no such thing. (Have you noticed?) So, I’m not about to promise you a million bucks in 6 months or less. And I’m not going to tell you that you’ll find your soul mate in 30 days. Why?
Because all of that stuff – including any so-called magic pill – comes from outside of you. It makes you believe that you can’t create all the yumminess from inside of you. The entire idea of programs, diets, or self-improvement gurus that are magic pills takes the power away from you. I want you to deeply understand what your life will be like when you tap into the power you have within you.
A lot of programs out there seem to promise you results and all you have to do is sit back and wait, right?
Not so much here. This is not about a “quick fix” but rather a deep and lasting fix. Even when you create something like effortlessness in your life, you still take an active role in it. Simply hoping for the best doesn’t cut it.
When you finally realize how you’ve been getting in your own way, and as you realize all the obstacles that have been blocking you, you will want to engage more deeply in your life. You’ll be psyched to do this because you’ll learn HOW to release those blocks.
You have to show up and do the work. And if you do, you will see changes! How far you take it is up to you.
2. Can men join?
The Adventure Mastermind is for anyone who self-identifies as a womxn.
3. Should I do this or Freedom School?
These are very different – and awesome – programs. I recommend you submit an application and we can meet to decide which program is better for you.
4. I am suffering from major depression and healing some deep wounds. Will this program help me?
Short answer: I am a therapist but I am not your therapist.
I have had people suffering from depression and anxiety take my programs or work with me 1:1 while they are concurrently working with a therapist, and it is a wonderful way to get the best of both the therapy world and the coaching world.
But I’ll be really clear here: the Adventure Mastermind is not to process deep wounds or ruminate about the past. There simply isn’t a way to effectively support those kinds of processes online or in group retreats. Especially without taking time away from the rest of the people in the group.
While you will learn more empowered ways to deal with those generally unhelpful patterns of living in the past, if you are dealing with diagnosed depression, you may need to go to those places to heal before you can move forward. The proper place to do that is with your therapist.
I recommend you show this page to your therapist and see if they think it would be a great compliment to the work you are already doing!
5. All this talk about Ziji, inner radiant confidence, and clarity sounds fine and dandy, Ana, but they don’t pay the bills. So why should I invest in this?
Short answer: You are investing in yourself, your mental health and creating the masterpiece of your life – and that’s the best investment you could ever make.
I mean, I hear you. But think about this:
Clarity + Confidence DO lead you to make better choices so you stop wasting energy and money on all the energy vampire things you keep settling for in your life.
Clarity + Confidence DO help you stop patterns of self-sabotage, and instead recognize – and act – when the perfect opportunities show up
Clarity + Confidence DO help you strategize the most effective steps for turning an idea into an income-generating project.
Clarity + Confidence DO help you focus so that you aren’t distracted by so many “bright shiny objects” and instead, your time – and therefore your life – becomes more valuable.
So, my fellow wild womxn, I believe that confidence DOES, in fact, pay the bills.
But I get it. When I was just getting started, I didn’t have this belief. And you might not either (especially if you’ve never invested or taken a chance on yourself before).
After reading the good news below, tell the doubting thoughts in your head to shut the hell up because there are no more excuses!

Ana Verzone is a Master Certified Life Coach who specializes in helping women discover their power and live their truth – creating lives of true freedom, inside and out. She is the founder of Freedom School and is the host of the top-rated Rebel Buddhist® Podcast.
Ana is an undeniable multi-passionate, with (nerd alert) a degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in family nursing, a post-master’s degree in nurse-midwifery, a doctoral degree, and a post-doctorate in psychiatric mental health from Johns Hopkins University, where she focused on resilience, post-traumatic growth, and psychedelic-assisted therapy. She was an international climbing guide for over 10 years and has caught over 1000 babies – she has been with womxn through intense sh*t. Ana also has 3 life coaching certifications, having been mentored by key founders of the life coaching profession, and has completed a 2-year mindfulness teacher training with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. She meditated for a month in the Himalayas – as her FIRST retreat – so you know that when she’s into something, she’s all in. Including with her clients.
School is easy for her. Guiding women like you is her superpower – so imagine what you’re in for.