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want more?

If you truly want to learn to drink less – permanently – I’ve created a course that will provide you with the tools and support you need to make it happen.

I’ve been in your shoes, and I teach you everything that worked for me – and my 1:1 clients. This is totally possible for you too! I’ve made it way more accessible by offering it as a homestudy course you can do at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

If you sign up now, you’ll gain instant access to the course content and the 4 Quicksteps so you can dive right in. You’ll also receive a bonus ebook that teaches you powerful tools for How to Get Sh*t Done!


Master Life Coach and host of the Rebel Buddhist podcast


Click below to sign up for Drink Less Feel Free and get instant access!

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ask yourself this:

Do you have a hard time stopping once your start drinking?

Have you noticed you’re gaining weight the more your drink – especially around your belly? Or maybe just feeling…”mushier?”

Is it bugging you that you plan to drink 1-2 drinks then always end up having more?
Does alcohol give you crappy sleep but you still keep drinking it? (cuz girlfriend, that sh*t will wear on you…)
Does it drive you nuts how much you obsess about what others might have thought about what you did/said after a night of heavy drinking?
Have you noticed you are thinking more and more about when your next drink will be?
Are you tired of the way too much alcohol makes you feel? (irritable, tired, foggy-brained…)

Are you tired of not following through on what you say?

If you can relate to any of these things, “Hallelujah, sister!” you’re soooooo in the right place!

i can relate

In my 20s, I used to drink just “sometimes” – and I was too broke to ever drink too much on a regular basis.

Then, I started to make money in my 30s (I know…late bloomer…blame it on my life as a climbing guide), and I found I could afford more than one beer when I was out at sushi. So I’d have 2 drinks at dinner. At parties I’d have more, but those weren’t even weekly.

Then, I dated an alcoholic, and got used to drinking most nights a week (aka every night we hung out).

When we broke up, I went back to only drinking a few days a week vs every day. And sometimes I’d drink way too much, but it wasn’t a regular thing. Still, I was definitely drinking more than I used to.

Drinking didn’t have many bad consequences for me at any point other than a few “WTF happened last night?” moments, and I was in a good mood when I drank. I’d dance, tell grrrrreat stories and make lots of people laugh. I also was super fit, so I could bounce back the next day and get back to business.

And I never - ever - drank to feel better. It was something I just did for fun, with friends.

And I never – ever – drank to feel better. It was something I just did for fun, with friends.

Enter: The multi-passionate careers. Motherhood. The doctoral program.

After my life got busier, and when I had a kid that I couldn’t leave home alone, when I came home from work stressed or overwhelmed I couldn’t just head straight to the yoga class that always made me feel better. Or go run up that really steep hill in the mountains that kicked my ass and got my mind back to a better place.

I tried to do yoga at home, but my baby would just crawl all over me and yoga didn’t have the relaxing effect I needed when that was going on.

I tried other things to relax like reading, taking baths, listening to music…but none of that worked.

I still felt…bored or anxious or restless.

Then, one day, I saw a 1/2 bottle of sauvignon blanc in the fridge and had a glass at 5pm. I felt really relaxed and had another.

The next day, when I came home, I did that again.

Need I say more?

OK…I will anyway.

Suffice it to say, I started drinking regularly, and after a few years, I found I wouldn’t stop after a drink or two, even when I would start the night out by saying I just wanted 2 drinks.

I was in awe of people that would leave 1/2 glass of wine on the table.

I would have a small pang of irritability when I went to a party and they didn’t have alcohol.

And I’ll admit it: I loved wine tastings, wine with cheese, wine with steak, “grabbing a drink” with the girls, and that refreshing feeling after a long day on the mountain when I could sip a cool glass of sauvignon blanc along with some truffle fries.

I would have a small pang of irritability when I went to a party and they didn't have alcohol.

Then, when I turned 40, drinking started to affect my health – I got crappy sleep. I felt worse the next day. I had foggy brain after the big nights. I couldn’t get off the couch and go for that mountain bike ride that would clear my head like I used to.

But I was still functioning – quite well, in fact. My daughter and husband thought I was pretty cool mom and wife. I exercised, traveled, excelled in my career, and even got a doctoral degree.

Well…actually I stopped drinking completely for a year during my doctoral program, because I knew I couldn’t raise a kid, kick ass at work, and run my international project in Nepal without good sleep or feeling less than 100% on top of my game.

But that’s the thing:

I could stop completely when I wanted. I stopped when I was pregnant. I stopped that year when I was getting my doctorate. I stopped for 30 days every change of season when I did my cleanses (yeah, I’m one of those yoga-doing, cleanse-loving people who likes things that stress out the liver).

I was good at not drinking at all.

What I sucked at was drinking less.

These issues went on and on, trying way too many times to drink in moderation without success.

Eventually, I got fed up.

I. Was. OVER IT!

I decided to put my clinical psych degree, meditation studies, myriad coach trainings, and all my healthcare studies into laser focus around this issue. I studied with leaders in the field, and learned a lot about managing urges and the science of addiction (not just to alcohol, but sugar, shopping, gambling, porn…you get it).

I dove into how to develop healthier habits, as well as managing our mind and negative emotions. As a healthcare provider with a doctorate in nursing, I geeked out on the science of it all. I also received extensive training specifically on how to coach people who want to stop over-drinking.

Before, I thought I had to either drink it or not because when I drank, I drank too much. But I finally was able to cut back, and now I am able to drink less. I can decide how much I want to drink, and it actually happens! I’m even toying with the idea of not drinking at all, because at this point in the game, I’m not seeing a benefit from it. I’ve had clients completely stop with my methods, so they’ve inspired me;)

Cool thing is, through all this I’ve finally brought the solution to drink less to you!

I was good at not drinking at all. What I sucked at was drinking less.

Join the Drink Less, Feel Free course for only $247

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the bottom line

This course will open up a whole new way of being in your life – one where you reclaim dominion over your mind, your emotions, and your actions, and free yourself from alcohol.

Interested? Thought so;)

One of the {admittedly} awesome things about this program is you get a bonafide PROCESS – a step-by-step guide that starts you on your way and builds momentum – giving you tons of tools.

Let’s be real: Drink Less, Feel Free is not for people who want to sit back and hope for change in their lives while watching others do the work. I want you to feel the excitement as you watch your own power and energy rise to higher and higher levels. This means you will have to do the work.

You overdrink for a reason. If you aren’t sure what that reason is, don’t drink when you usually do and see what comes up. There’s your reason.

It’s hard to deal with that reason – at least harder than pouring yourself a drink.

But you are too much of a miracle to let something like that stop you.

It will take work, but you’ll have me, a tribe of like-minded women, and tons of tools to help you through it.

“Like what?” You might ask?

As you and I move through the Drink Less, Feel Free course together, you’ll gain clarity and important momentum with the training videos, live group coaching calls to ask me any questions you might have, a private forum, and tons of worksheets, like “100 Urges,” “Your Drink Plan,” “Unf*ck Your Drinking Brain,” and more.

In a doable, step-by-step process based in cognitive coaching and behavior modification, you’ll be able to take these tools and gain confidence and freedom around your relationship with alcohol.

Most importantly, you’ll move towards true freedom, and away from needing something outside of yourself to feel good. You’ll be able to trust yourself, so that when you say you’re going to do something, you know you’ve got your back because you’ve learned how to manage your mind, emotions, and behavior.

The Drink Less, Feel Free
Course Includes:

still not convinced?

Read about these client transformations...

I was tired of the weight I was gaining from my drinking. I knew I would lose a ton if I stopped, because I was drinking a bottle a night. In Ana’s program, I was able to cut back my drinking to only 2 glasses 2-3 days a week, and I can feel the weight coming off after only 2 months. I feel less bloated. An unexpected bonus was I have more energy than ever before – I had no idea how my drinking was affecting that and I’m so glad I’ve got more energy again.


I really liked the anonymity of the program. I have a somewhat high-profile job and felt uncomfortable doing a course online and having to “expose” myself. I felt safe and it was awesome how I could ask anything I wanted to on the calls without fear of judgment (and to know I wasn’t the only one who drank as much as I did!). The women in the group were super supportive, and it was a relief to know I was not alone.


I was so excited when I found this! I didn’t want to do AA since I didn’t feel like I was an alcoholic, but I also knew I couldn’t do this on my own since I’d tried so many times. My doctors were not that helpful when I talked to them about it either. Then, I found Ana and this program. It was really hard at first, and I didn’t believe in the methods and I was really resistant, so it took me forever to go in 100%…but I’m so glad I finally did (and that Ana was patient with me). I haven’t drank for over 6 months, which has never happened before. And the key thing is I don’t miss it. I stopped before, but I kept missing it, so wouldn’t last for very long. This time it’s different, and I feel really proud of myself. Oh, and if you’re like me and really resistant to the ideas, just get over it sooner than later so you don’t feel like you waste time during the course!”


The Drink Less Feel Free course kicks ass! I am not a huge over drinker, but I really did want to have more consciousness around my drinking and explore some of deeper reasons why I drink. I had begun to notice my big resistance to taking a break from drinking and then this course came along. Ana brings some great tools and videos that delve into the deeper workings of the mind and the psychology of change. I am a person who likes to know the why and the how of things, and I also find it helpful to have a structure, a format to create shifts. Bottom line, this course helped me to create some big shifts in my relationship to alcohol! I went to concerts and parties without any alcohol ( a first!) and discovered I had a great time. I also made conscious decisions about when and how much I would drink. It help me put my higher self in charge of the lower self, so to say. I highly recommend this journey – the tools can be applied to so many areas of your life beyond drinking as well. Thank you, Ana, for putting this out there!!


I was tired of the weight I was gaining from my drinking. I knew I would lose a ton if I stopped, because I was drinking a bottle a night. In Ana’s program, I was able to cut back my drinking to only 2 glasses 2-3 days a week, and I can feel the weight coming off after only 2 months. I feel less bloated. An unexpected bonus was I have more energy than ever before – I had no idea how my drinking was affecting that and I’m so glad I’ve got more energy again.

           LINDA L.            

I had my first birthday celebration where I was able to actually remember the entire night. It was so special, and I am deeply grateful to Ana. I enjoyed the whole night and had a blast - dancing and being crazy with my friends without being sh*tfaced. I just had two drinks - that's it! - and blew my own mind. JENNA M.

You can do this. I know that. The question is . . . do YOU?

Do you believe that you CAN live with freedom from alcohol and not giving it so much influence on your brain and your life? Then seize this opportunity – this time is now! Once we close the doors, that’s it, sistah. 

While Drink Less, Feel Free is totally worth way more than the full price anyway, practice some self-love right now and take action on something you KNOW will make your life exponentially better – at an epic deal. 

In case you haven’t figure it out yet – you are totally worth it;)


Think about how much you spend on alcohol every week...

You can have this course for only $247

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Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Isn’t it kind of crazy to think you can help alcoholics with an online course?

Let’s nip this in the bud – this course is NOT for alcoholics or for people who are non-functioning at their current level of alcohol consumption. This is for people who want to drink less or who want to stop and are functioning in their careers, relationships, and other aspects of their lives. If you identify or have been diagnosed with alcoholism, this course is not for you to take without any additional support. Having said that, I’ve had clients use this material while working with a licensed therapist or when in an outpatient program and found it to be very helpful.

2. Will this course for sure help me drink less?

The short answer – this depends on you. Kind of like life.

Drink Less, Feel Free is not a magic pill. There is no such thing. (Have you noticed?) So, I’m not about to promise that you will cut your drinking in half or that you will stop drinking altogether.

What I can promise you is that I will share everything I know about how you can cut back on your drinking – or stop completely if that’s what you want to do. I will answer your questions, provide you with tools and structure, and create a community of support so that you will have the best chance of success. And, I’ll offer this for a great value so you have nothing to lose.

This is not about a “quick fix,” but rather a deep and lasting fix.

You have to show up and do the work. And if you do, you will see changes! How far you take it is up to you. 

3. How exactly does this work?

Great question! If you’re asking about logistics:

The day you sign up, I’ll do a happy dance for you, and then you’ll receive a welcome email with instructions for logging into your course. You’ll gain INSTANT access to Drink Less Feel Free plus your bonuses.

You’ll also receive access to the recordings of all past Q&A coaching calls – hours and hours of learning from others just like you. Chances are, your questions have already been answered there!

You’ll have access to the 4 Quick Start training videos which give you the key foundations you’ll need to begin. Watch these ASAP since this is what you’ll need to get started.

You can post questions you have in the private Rebel Buddhist facebook group, and I’ll answer them! I also do weekly live videos there where you can ask questions.

The course has an amazing library of audios, videos, and worksheets on different aspects of what you’re learning (the science of urges and addiction, unconscious drinking, managing negative emotions, and more),

If you’re asking about theory:

You’ll learn about how your brain works, and the science of addiction. Then you’ll dive into how to manage your urges around drinking, diminishing them and how to eliminate them. You’ll learn how to stop the pattern of feeding your urges (since that keeps up the vicious cycle). Importantly, you’ll learn more about how to be with negative emotions, since the main reason we over-drink is to avoid feeling uncomfortable, even if that’s just feeling uncomfortable from not giving in to something we want (like that drink).

Know that we aren’t just focusing on your actions – whether you cut your drinking in half or quit altogether. While that’s important, we are also focusing on addressing your desire for drinking so that you can markedly decrease or eliminate it. You’ll find this this makes managing your drinking much easier. 

4. What if I'd like additional support?

For additional support, you have the option to upgrade to Freedom School for weekly group coaching calls and an ongoing small-group forum where I answer questions M-F.

You also have the option to upgrade to 1:1 laser coaching sessions with me at a special rate while enrolled in the course. You can receive this rate for up to 3 sessions. Then, you and I can coach together on your iPhone or something while you watch a sunset.

You’ll have the option to sign up for these at checkout if you think you’ll want them.

5. I am suffering from major depression and healing some deep wounds. Will this program help me?

Short answer: I am not a therapist. 

I have had people suffering from depression and anxiety take my programs or work with me 1:1 while they are concurrently working with a therapist, and it is a wonderful way to get the best of both the therapy world and the coaching world. Many people self-medicate with alcohol, and if you are suffering from major depression and use alcohol, I don’t recommend you do this program unless you are also working with a therapist who agrees this would be a good idea for you.

I’ll be really clear here: the forums and Q&A are not to process deep wounds or ruminate about the past. There simply isn’t a way to effectively support those kinds of processes online or in one question on a group call.

While you will learn more empowered ways to deal with those generally negative emotions, if you are dealing with diagnosed depression or major anxiety disorder, you may need to go to those places to heal before you can move forward. The proper place to do that is with your therapist.

I recommend you show this page to your therapist and see if they think it would be a great compliment to the work you are already doing!

6. I know you think this is a great price, but for me it's kind of expensive. Why should I invest in this?

Most important answer: You are investing in yourself – and that’s the best investment to make. 

Most practical answer:

How much do you spend on alcohol a week? Most of my clients – especially ones who like nice wine – spend at least $125 a week, if not more.

I bet this course costs less than 2-3 weeks of alcohol for most people who are reading this. If you drink less, you’ll save money and more than pay for this course from that.

It’s totally worth it! 

7. I'm worried about people knowing who I am. Will I have to share my identity?

Most clients are comfortable sharing their name and identity in the program. Once you meet other people with the same goals as you, you will feel much less shame around your drinking. However, if you are not comfortable with sharing your identity (which is totally understandable around such a sensitive subject), know that you won’t have to share it publicly. You can do the course on your own privately or snag 1:1 sessions with me.

You will be enrolled in an online format that will allow you to ask questions anonymously if that’s what you want. No one will need to know you’re enrolled if you don’t want them to. 

8. Do I have to stop drinking? Do I have to keep drinking if I want to stop (since it's called Drink Less)"

This is completely up to you. Many clients start out wanting to drink less, but because the program helps you learn to manage urges and the desire for drinking, they end up wanting to quit altogether. Many clients also choose to just cut back on their drinking, wanting more control over when and how much they drink so it’s more on their terms.

If your question wasn't answered above, feel free to send an email using the contact page at (I'd put the address here, but then I'd get a bunch of spam;)

the bottom line

Many of you work with me or follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter because I live what I teach, and that integrity means a lot to people like you. It does to me too. That’s why this program can be life-changing for you. I practice these things and it works. I want you to see results because my passion is helping people live truly free lives. If you don’t, then I – WE – aren’t changing the world and serving others, are we?

Go through the program. Do the work (watch the videos, do the activity sheets, listen to the Q&A recordings, etc). Milk this program for everything you can.

Take a minute and do one thing. Imagine yourself six months from now. Are you still exactly where you are now, obsessing about drinking and how it’s affecting your life? Or are you thriving and living a life that is creative, confident, and exquisitely YOU? The choice is yours.

Register now, and show yourself that you believe YOU – and your life – are worth investing in.


Join for only $247!

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