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Welcome to the Rebel Buddhist™ Podcast, where I help you free your mind so you can free your life. This podcast is for the rebellious ones. The wild people. I share my stories and what I’ve learned about being a rebel soul who wants to tame her mind…but not her life. It’s led to plenty of adventures and misadventures. I’ve learned tons of tools that combine Buddhist psychology, real-world mindfulness, cognitive coaching, and modern brain science – sort of like if Buddhism and science had a love child. I want to share them with you as we walk this path together. I’m not sharing this as a dharma teacher, but as a fellow practitioner with some street cred. Welcome to my world.

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Ep. 176: MDMA and Couples Therapy

This episode is all about MDMA-assisted couples therapy. We’ll demystify MDMA and how it works on a biochemical level to help us change our ways of thinking. I’ll explain how its therapeutic potential can help us address past traumas that affect our current relationships, and we’ll chat about what the future holds for MDMA-assisted couples therapy. Plus, I’ll go over the most important step to see lasting results.

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Ep. 175: The Two Wings of Freedom – Wisdom and Compassion

In this episode we talk about the two wings of freedom: wisdom and compassion. I’ll explain the importance of cultivating a balance of both, and what can happen when we are practicing one without the other (HINT: often, more harm than good). We will also go over some tips to help us cultivate both wisdom and compassion in our daily lives.

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Ep. 174: Decolonize Your Mind – A Story of My Mother and Me

This week, I want to share a story about my mom and me. How I misunderstood her dreams for me… and the joy of lifting an intergenerational buden that wasn’t just mine. How I began to decolonize my mind. I’ll share a recent experience that showed me that I had been secretly feeding into my fears all along, and the moment of realization which helped me break free. Plus I’ll help you begin to change your own mindset from one of fear, unsafety, and unworthiness to one of love, protection, and FREEDOM.

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Ep. 173: A Hidden Superpower of Trauma

This week’s episode is all about the hidden superpowers we can find in our trauma. We’ll talk about our ability to dissociate, and why it’s so critical to our development as children and our ability to survive. I’ll also dive into how our left and right brain communicate and how they can help – or hurt – us in moments of trauma or activation. I’ll give you some good tips on how to heal from our self-alienation and show ourselves more love and compassion.

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Ep. 172: The Myth of Normal

This episode is all about the myth of there being anything remotely “normal.” We’ll talk about How modern industrialized society has created the concept of “normal” and how that’s hurt the way we view others and ourselves. Plus, I’ll dive into where mental health issues often stem from in the first place (hint: it’s not in our biology), and how changing our mindset can help us begin the healing process as individuals and as a society.

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Ep. 171: How to Support Someone After a Crisis

This week’s episode is an extra special one, as we talk about how we can help each other during a crisis or disaster AND touch on how we can continue to support and donate to Maui – and what we can do when invited to visit again. We’ll jam on some super practical tools to use when others are processing a recent crisis, and I’ll tell you some things NOT to do.. and why.

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