Ep. 113: The One Thing

One of the common themes I see with my coaching clients is this need – or want – to get so much done, but not knowing where to start.

I’ve definitely experienced this myself, too. My to-do lists are king and my project ideas are endless – and it all seems really important, right? When we look at the list and get overwhelmed, we end up doing nothing instead.

But the secret is that it’s NOT all as important as it might seem. There’s usually one thing that’s the MOST important.

So how do we narrow down that list and figure out what ACTUALLY needs to get done?

First, identify your big goals. For me, it could be expressed as a feeling or a thing I’m creating based on that feeling. For example, a lot of my people have freedom as a #1 value, so their big goal is feeling free more often or creating a lifestyle that gives them more freedom. You can count me as part of this squad;)

So for me, the best step is, when I take a look at my to-do list (which – not lying – often gets transferred from week-to-week because I can never check it all off), I ask myself, “What’s the ONE thing I have to do today for my business to keep it moving me toward freedom?”

Sure, I have LOTS of cool ideas for new programs or courses or retreats… and those things will eventually happen. But when I’m overwhelmed or life is happening so fast that I don’t even know what to do…

I just do ONE thing, and that’s a WIN. I don’t beat myself up for not doing more because I did THE THING.

Now, some people’s brains will still go berserk and start stressing about what that one thing should be. And to that, I say, “Well, my friend, just do something.”

Because that’s a whole lot better than nothing. And you’ll be moving towards your goal no matter what.

The same can be applied for any part of your life. What’s the ONE thing that really matters to you today?

Sometimes it’s making a phone call to someone we care about, because it’s been too long since we called to tell them we love them.

Sometimes it’s yoga because it’s all the self-care time we can fit into our schedule today (and for me yoga gives me some exercise, some meditation and an all-over massage).

So, what’s that for you today? What’s the ONE thing you can do that will move you towards your dreams? 

And on a related note: What IS that big goal of yours? And how will it make you feel? (Spoiler alert: why we do or want anything is because of how we think it will make us feel).

Don’t let all the details distract you, my friend. Let’s not fall into doing nothing.

One thing toward our dreams – of freedom, liberation, joy, peace – is more than most people do. It IS enough.

In this episode you will learn:

// Why we struggle to complete our to-do lists day to day

// My one tip for keeping that momentum toward your goals

// How to apply it to all parts of your life – even your spiritual practice

// How to keep making progress even when you’re busy as hell.


// Did you know I lead silent mindfulness adventure retreats? Our next one is in Baja, Mexico in the week of March 26th, 2023. Save the dates. You will want to be on the early notification list!


// If you want to finally get clear about your unique  Soul purpose and how to create a life that supports it during this one precious life we have, apply for the Adventure Mastermind. It’s deep work. Important, necessary, and essential to what the world needs right now. Be a part of it.


If you’re remotely curious, apply. It will help you get clear, and then we can chat to see if it’s actually a good fit. Trust me – it’s an intense 6 months so I am just as invested as you are in making sure it’s an amazing match. Head over to AdventureMastermind.com and apply for the next cohort. We have 2 altered states retreats, weekly coaching, virtual retreats, and more. I’ve got you!


// If you’re new to the squad, grab the Rebel Buddhist Toolkit I created at RebelBuddhist.com. It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll also get access to the Rebel Buddhist FB group, and tune in weekly when I go live on new topics.


// Want to dive into this work on a deeper level on your own time? To study it and practice it together with a group of people with the same goals of freedom, adventure and purpose? Check out Freedom School – the community for ALL things related to freedom, inside and out.