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Here’s a golden nugget of truth I’ve learned the hard way throughout my life: the more you have an aversion to discomfort, the more you actually suffer.
It’s totally ironic, right?
If all you did was stay in fancy places, if all you did was protect yourself from discomfort and everything was always temperature controlled and soft and tasty and nice…the minute shit went wrong, you would have a much stronger reaction to it than if you had practiced being with discomfort and reminded yourself that life isn’t always comfortable.
And that discomfort isn’t something to be…feared.
This episode, we dig into why expanding our comfort zones is essential to our personal development and growth; why we have to learn to trust ourselves and to speak up, even when it’s uncomfortable.
Because, the truth is, you don’t get to do cool shit in life without knowing how to be uncomfortable. You don’t learn how to be truly honest with yourself until you face what you routinely shy (or run) away from.
Embracing discomfort, expanding your comfort zone – these are skill sets that will help you be able to do whatever it takes to make the most of this one precious life. To create the life you were meant to live.
Today, I invite you to seek out more than comfort and joy. And I urge you to:
- Develop the ability to know that life inherently includes challenging times and that you don’t need to run from them – because when you accept this fact, you actually suffer LESS.
- Build the courage to step into discomfort, and trust that what lies on the other side will be so worth it.
- Embrace the deep knowing that you can handle anything so that you don’t shy away from taking risks in life. This is a skill you can learn.
So the next time you feel uncomfortable, don’t try to push it away. Try to expand what you are able to be comfortable with, and see what it has to teach you.
You don’t deserve comfort. You deserve better.
In This Episode You’ll Learn
- How to reflect on what makes you uncomfortable and recognize where you have room to grow in facing this
- Why, at this point in my life, I’ve struck a balance in knowing that, for me, it feels right to have a little discomfort and a little posh
- How to make being uncomfortable a daily practice that will aid you on your way to more fully expanding your comfort zone in the long run
- Why you must understand that nothing “wrong” is happening when shit gets hard – it’s just the way life is and you suffer LESS when you accept this.
- How to appreciate what you already have – so you feel abundant and can call in more
- What the mountains and my dirtbag days taught me about embracing discomfort, how far to push my own limits and who I had the capacity to really be in life
// Check out my blog post on why you deserve better than comfort here: https://www.anaverzone.com/you-dont-deserve-comfort-you-deserve-better/
// If you want more of this Jedi juice, head over to our Rebel Buddhist Facebook page and join the free private group where important conversations are happening in a safe place. There’s a weekly FB live called Wake the F*ck Up Wednesday, and it’s a place where you can ask questions that come up as you do this work – in all parts of your life.
// Enrollment is currently closed for Freedom School, my one-of-a-kind membership program that helps you free your mind and free your life. If you want to be the first to know when enrollment opens, go here to get on the waitlist: https://freedomschool.anaverzone.com/freedom-school