Ep. 33: Living in Alignment

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In last week’s episode I mentioned that I call the process of reflecting on the past year and creating intentions for the new one REVIEW, REFLECT + ALIGN.

Today we dive into the alignment part, because when we are in alignment, if feels damn good.

When we are happy, what’s often going on is that our outside world is in alignment with our inside world

There is consistency, integrity, with what we value and how we are living our lives

So when we think about what we want to create in the next year, it’s important to first get clear about what our core values are.

The quintessential self-compassion question I often ask you to ask yourself in difficult times is, “What do I need?” 

But we really can’t fully answer that question unless we also know what we value most. What we want.

So some of you might ask: Wait – what’s the difference between goals and core values?

First, goals can be achieved; whereas core values guide us towards and after achieving our goals. 

Goals are destinations; core values are directions.

Goals are something we “do”; values are something we “are.”

Goals are set by us; core values are discovered. We discover them as we have life experiences and notice, “Oh thatthat is important to me.”

Some examples of core values are:
:: Compassion
:: Generosity
:: Honesty
:: Loyalty
:: Courage

And you may notice that what first comes to mind when we think of core values is having to do with how we treat others, but many also have to do with meeting personal needs that are deeply important to us… but may not be so important to others.

Some examples of personal core values are:

:: Adventure
:: Freedom
:: Personal growth
:: Creativity
:: Peace/tranquility
:: Exploration 
:  Nature

In this episode I guide you through an activity that helps you get clear about your core values, and how to live a life that is more aligned with who you are and how you want to show up in the world.

I also teach you how to get back on track then you’ve strayed away from how you want to show up in the world.

And you know that whole Word of the Year thing you may have heard about? This is a method to help you figure out what yours is.

Once we’ve gotten clear about our core values, and once we’ve reflected and learned from the past…

NOW we are ready and ripe to create our intentions for the new year in a way that is truly ALIGNED with who we are and the life we want to create.

When you go through this process, you don’t waste time, money and energy on goals that don’t serve your highest purpose.

It can help you avoid focusing on things that you’ll end up realizing – way later – that they weren’t what you really wanted or needed.

Whatever your value is that you want to devote yourself to, that can guide you.

And when you commit to this – devote yourself to this – making it happen is as Good. As. done.

In this episode you’ll learn:

:: What alignment has to do with you feeling like sh*t

:: Why you MUST know what you want to live an aligned life

:: How to discover what your core values are

:: How to identify and overcome obstacles to living the life we are meant to live

:: The point of doing the whole “Word of the Year” thing – and how to fidn your OWN!


// Download the gorgeous REVIEW, REFLECT + ALIGN workbook by clicking here.

// Is your word of the year Adventure? Have a listen to Episode 31 here.

// If you’re new to the squad, grab the starter kit I created at RebelBuddhist.com. It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll get access to the private Facebook group where you can ask me questions! Once you join, there’s also a weekly FB live called Wake the F*ck Up Wednesday, where you can ask questions that come up as you do this work – in all parts of your life.

// If you’re interested in a really awesome way to make the next year your best one yet, join Freedom School. It will set you up to live the best version of you in the year to come. This is an amazing group of rebel women committed to creating lives of freedom, adventure and purpose. You can even gift a Freedom School membership to someone that you know could use the boost and come together! You’ll dive into getting clear about: what you want, how to clear your life of the things you don’t, skills for living an authentic life so you are out there being YOU and not what other people want you to be, and more.

If creating the life you love includes drinking less in the New Year, Freedom School also gives you access to Drink Less, Feel Free, a 4-week program where you learn ways to free yourself from overdrinking. The tools here worked for me – and hundreds of others. You can also give it as a gift to someone you love that has repeatedly told you they wish they didn’t always overdrink. Life is too short to waste hungover or feeling guilty, right? Plus, saying you’ll do something and then not doing it screws with your self-confidence. This program is set up to give you the support and accountability you need.

Click here to learn more.