Ep. 38: How to Manifest Your Ideal Life

Us humans tend to think that it is only when we finally achieve our goals or dreams that we can feel more confident and happier and experience more self-love…and more worthy. And not before.

But this is actually backwards…and I explain why in this episode.

What a lot of people miss is that in order to manifest that life you just visualized, you need to start BEING – thinking, feeling, ACTING as the person who already has manifested those things

And this is probably the most important part to actually manifesting that life you are dreaming of.

Many of us think we need to wait until we reach the goal to feel complete, to feel successful, to feel accomplished, confident, loved, worthy.

But the trick is that like attracts like – your energy will attract things to it that are similar. What makes up your energy are your thoughts, your beliefs…and your emotions and what you do/don’t do.

So if you’re stuck in lacking and needing and having a pity party and not allowing yourself to be happy until you achieve something…how do you think that energy is?

And what do you think it attracts? Probably a lot of scarcity thoughts, which lead to missed opportunities and distractions and worry and thinking about the past… and overall attracting more scarcity and less abundance.

Now you may think this is BS. A lot of people think, “Well, it’s easy to have that mindset when you have money and freedom and location independence! But I don’t have that.”

So in effect, people assume that people who have abundance already had it to some degree – inherited something, were born with unearned privilege like being white or being born into a wealthy family (which we know can be true – but it ain’t the whole picture), married into it, won it. That it takes money to make money and it takes freedom to create freedom.

While there is some truth to that, it’s probably not in the way you are thinking, because it is more about your internal experience of abundance and freedom than what it looks like on the outside.

In this episode I go into detail about how mindset helped me to create a life of freedom, adventure and purpose, even though I came from a poor socioeconomic class, a dysfunctional family with severe mental illness and abuse, growing up in a violent neighborhood with bad schools, and didn’t have a trust fund to fall back on.

I hope it inspires you to see that anything is possible for you too.

In this episode you’ll learn:

// How visualization can help you create the life you want

// Why it’s not just about having positive thoughts and being able to imagine an amazing life

// The three questions to ask yourself to start to BE the person who already has achieved everything you want to

// Why you don’t need to wait for external things to change before you start actively moving towards your goals

// The most important part of creating your ideal life


// Check out Episode 14 where we talk about How to Create New Beliefs

// If you’re new to the squad, grab the starter kit I created at RebelBuddhist.com. It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll get access to the private Facebook group where you can ask me questions! Once you join, there’s also a weekly FB live called Wake the F*ck Up Wednesday, where you can ask questions that come up as you do this work – in all parts of your life.

// If you’re interested in a really awesome way to make the next year your best one yet, join Freedom School. It will set you up to live the best version of you in the year to come. This is an amazing group of rebel women committed to creating lives of freedom, adventure and purpose. You can even gift a Freedom School membership to someone that you know could use the boost and come together! You’ll dive into getting clear about: what you want, how to clear your life of the things you don’t, skills for living an authentic life so you are out there being YOU and not what other people want you to be, and more.