Hey there.
I’m thinking we could all do with feeling a little better today, so I want you to try something with me real quick that’ll shift things for you.
One of the things I love to do with clients is explore their Peak Experiences – memories of events that spark their soul. It’s foundational to creating the life you want and is super fun to do, so let’s do it. Right here, right now. It doesn’t take too long.
For me, when I think of Peak Experiences in my life, it’s often special moments in the mountains when the light is just right, mountains towering above (or below!), perfect silence pervading, and feeling strong and centered and surrounded by beauty, like everything is perfect and I know it…
It can also be the crazy moments being taken up in the ocean’s swell on a surfboard only to have a pod of dolphins swim by and around and under as the sun rose and hit the waves just right so the dolphins surfing in the waves were backlit by a universal glow, feeling so small and slightly frightened about the vastness that lay below me in the ocean’s depths, yet somehow knowing it was all good…
Or lying by my dad’s side during his last days on this earth, my arms around him as he called me an angel and me being able to tell him how much I love him and to hear him tell me the same as he hovered in that sacred space between here and beyond the notions of “here and there,” somehow knowing that all was right.
Some of my Freedom School students have shared things like the flow they feel when painting or writing; how awesome they feel when giving a presentation on a topic they’re passionate about, as if they are just downloading from another source; an epic night of passion. You get the idea.
It seems the common themes in these experiences aren’t a pretty sunset or big adventure, but rather an innate knowing that all was exactly as it should be.
Perfect, in its own way.
Feeling connected.
Fully alive and present.
In the flow.
Peak experiences help us learn a lot about who we are, our values, how we honor those values.
When was your most recent peak experience? What were you doing? Where were you? Who were you with?
(Tip: if you can’t think of one, what would be a peak experience be for you?)
What does that experience tell you about what fulfills you?
Notice that this experience was a peak experience for you because it honored your deepest values. You were in alignment.
What were some that showed up? Nature? Connection? Passion? Adventure? Freedom?
Now, take that wisdom and see how you can manifest honoring these values more often in your daily life, so that you can feel that alignment.
And I do mean NOW.
Too many people wait until the Big Event happens – the new job, the new degree, the kids leaving for college, finally getting pregnant or having a partner, to fit into their old jeans, or make X amount of $$$ – before they start feeling joy and that their outside life is in alignment with their internal values.
But the catch is that to manifest all those things you want, you need to start feeling that way NOW. Because our thoughts create our feelings, and our FEELINGS drive our actions.
And guess what creates our reality?
Damn right. Our feelings.
Think about that – I know it makes sense intellectually but I want you to really grock this in your bones. Your feelings drive your actions which create your reality.
THIS is why it is so important to feel the way you think you’ll feel when you finally have that thing you’ve always wanted.
It’s the only way you’ll create that thing you’ve always wanted.
So if you want to do what it takes to create your ideal life, don’t wait to feel amazing.
Give yourself permission to feel that way RIGHT NOW.
In fact, it is ESSENTIAL to creating the life you were meant to live.
So take a moment now and think: is there something that reminds you of that peak experience?
Use it to help remember what is important to you….perhaps a rock from that mountain top, a photo in a cool frame, a seashell from the beach, a poem from your loved one. Place it somewhere you’ll see it – often.
Take a small part of each day to connect with your “special place.” Maybe go for a walk after dinner under the full moon, meditate in the morning on your gratitudes for 3-5 minutes, roll in the grass (or snow!) with your dog, make a plan to have a small adventures each week (go to a new restaurant, hike a new trail, go to a new class at the gym).
Whatever you do, try to find a way to stay connected to that peak experience.
Create the space in your life for it to enter more often, in unexpected ways.
To Your Freedom!
If you want to join a tribe of people that will help you navigate this wild and precious life, come check out Freedom School – for rebels like you. It’s not just personal growth for rebels. It’s Jedi training for the new world.