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Welcome to the Rebel Buddhist™ Podcast, where I help you free your mind so you can free your life. This podcast is for the rebellious ones. The wild people. I share my stories and what I’ve learned about being a rebel soul who wants to tame her mind…but not her life. It’s led to plenty of adventures and misadventures. I’ve learned tons of tools that combine Buddhist psychology, real-world mindfulness, cognitive coaching, and modern brain science – sort of like if Buddhism and science had a love child. I want to share them with you as we walk this path together. I’m not sharing this as a dharma teacher, but as a fellow practitioner with some street cred. Welcome to my world.

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Ep. 213: Pau Hana – How to Detach From Work

This week we learn from Native Hawaiian wisdom in the concept of “pau kahana,” which means “the work is done” (most people simply say, “pau hana”).The concept of pau kahana is more than just stating a fact, like “I’m off work now.” I’ve noticed that mykanaka – Indigenous Hawaiian – friends create a very distinct separation between work and personal life. So it’s not just about stopping work, but also engaging in practices that help us release the day’s burdens and shift gears. It’s a holistic mental, physical, and spiritual detachment from work after the workday ends that also allows us to shed the day’s burdens and shift gears. We’ll explore how this Indigenous wisdom is so important in today’s modern society, where it’s so hard to unplug from the demands of a world where work is only a smartphone away. I’ll share lots of helpful ideas to start your own pau kahana practice, including clear boundaries, connection to nature, people, and play.

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Ep. 212: Privilege on the Spiritual Path

This week we talk about how privilege allows us to take risks when pursuing our spiritual path and enlightenment, and how to mitigate that when we don’t have a lot of it. We also explore why privilege is not a guarantee of enlightenment – nor the lack of privilege an insurmountable barrier. I open up about my own privilege and hardships, and give some tips on how those who lack privilege can still proceed on their path with mindful, calculated risks.

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Ep. 211: Navigating Our Edges

This week is all about exploring our edges – how to know when we’re “at an edge,” and the importance of leaning into the discomfort that comes with them. We’ll also share some tips to help navigate our edges when we come across them… and why it’s 100% worth it to get close to them in the first place.

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Ep. 210: Spiritual Friends and How to Make Them

In this week’s Episode I share how I managed to build deep and meaningful relationships with spiritual friends after years of feeling alone, and what you can do to find your own sangha – your spiritual community. Plus we’ll jam on the importance of letting go of those who no longer nourish you and your practice… and how to do it.

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Ep. 209: Ripening and the Inevitability of Our Awakening

In this week’s episode, we talk about why we’re often left feeling impatient, judging that we aren’t doing “enough” on our spiritual path; needing to do things better; more quickly; more intensely. It can be hard to let go of a striving mentality so that we can actually move at the pace we’re meant to. But the reality is that with our practice, we will naturally ripen. Our awakening is INEVITABLE.

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Ep. 208: The Sit Spot Practice – When It’s Hard to Meditate

In this week’s episode, we talk about a simple way we can become fully present in the moment we’re in: the Sit Spot practice. I’ll talk about how simply sitting and noticing what’s going on around me has helped me reconnect with nature on an intimate level and renewed how I view my meditation practice, finding freedom and joy in it after months of struggle.

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