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Welcome to the Rebel Buddhist™ Podcast, where I help you free your mind so you can free your life. This podcast is for the rebellious ones. The wild people. I share my stories and what I’ve learned about being a rebel soul who wants to tame her mind…but not her life. It’s led to plenty of adventures and misadventures. I’ve learned tons of tools that combine Buddhist psychology, real-world mindfulness, cognitive coaching, and modern brain science – sort of like if Buddhism and science had a love child. I want to share them with you as we walk this path together. I’m not sharing this as a dharma teacher, but as a fellow practitioner with some street cred. Welcome to my world.

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Ep. 207: Greatest Hits Vol. 19 – How to Set Healthy Boundaries

This week we’re revisiting a classic Rebel Buddhist episode on how to set healthy boundaries. I’ll talk about the difference between a boundary and an ultimatum… and why a lot of us don’t know what each one is. Plus I’ll give you 5 questions you can ask yourself to ensure the boundaries you’re setting are aligned and healthy.

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Ep. 206: Seeking the Experience of Being Alive

This week we talk about what we’re really seeking: not just a conceptual idea of the meaning of life (like we’ve all been taught to try to “understand”), but rather a visceral experience of being alive. I’ll dive into how we can find the embodied sense of being alive in a way that aligns with our truth. Plus, we’ll discuss some ways you can incorporate embodiment practices into your daily life.

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Ep. 205: The Danger of Hiding Our Suffering

In this episode, we talk about what the world – and our lives – might be like if we stopped hiding our suffering. Would it be a sh*t show? Or would our communities and society start admitting we need to take better care of our people and the more-than-human world? I’ll talk about the two things that can lead to healing and transformation and how we can all start making a change – for ourselves and those around us.

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Ep. 204: What if This is as Good as it Gets?

In this episode we take the question of, “What if this is as good as it gets?” and explore why we are having the reactions we do to that question, and what if we allow acceptance of the way things are in order to feel more ease and joy in the present? (and explore our resistance to the concept of acceptance of reality as it is).

This is not about tolerating violations of our fundamental rights and safety or basic quality of life, but rather addressing the fact that when we are constantly waiting for things to be different and striving for that because we think THAT is what will make us happy, we are ironically setting ourselves up for a lot of discontent.

Striving for an external factor – a change in circumstances for happiness.

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Ep. 203: Cool Boredom – Why It’s Necessary for Our Practice

This week is all about “cool boredom,” and why it’s an important part of our meditation practice. It can open us up to the many skills needed on our path, including learning to not need constant ego-affirming stimuli, and the capacity to allow inner peace and self-inquiry. We’ll jam on the difference between cool and hot boredom and how each can serve its own purpose as we find a healthy balance between ecstatic experiences and simply being. The goal isn’t to live a life of cool boredom – it’s a middle way between that and ecstasy.

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Ep. 202: The Healing Power of Emptiness

In this episode, we talk about how understanding the emptiness and interdependent nature of our emotions and felt experience of energy can help us heal from shame, anxiety, rage, and more. I’ll talk about why we all struggle to see our energy as neither good nor bad, and the importance of finding community and support when we’re unable to see the potential for change in our own situation. We also dive into some practices to help us protect ourselves and also cleanse from heavier energy when it’s harder for us to see the emptiness of a situation, and how we can more effectively hold space for one another.

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