Ep. 106: Empathy vs Compassion

During a ceremony on my last meditation retreat, I looked this woman in the eyes and she was sobbing (with joy) and BAM! I started sobbing – also with joy – for how beautiful and precious the moment was. I didn’t stop, the entire ceremony. I had an immediate response to her tears of joy. And I could not reign that shizzle in. For the life of me.

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Ep. 105: Soul vs Spirit

We talk about why it matters and how we hold it in a context where we debate if we even exist on certain levels. Specifically – I want to talk about the concept of non-self and and Ultimate Oneness as well as how – and if – this can exist simultaneously alongside the concept of the individual soul. I’m going to do this while reminding you that I’m no philosophy or theology expert, and that I’m sharing my own experience of this debate along the path – and it’s not a straight line!

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Ep. 104: Ethics and Freedom

If you’re like me, and you may have had a less stellar feeling about “ethics” or “morals” in the past because they were presented in a more judgmental way (and perhaps viewed them more as a constraint or a sense of deprivation). I invite you to indulge me in this episode, because the way I talk about it here is totally different.

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Ep. 103: Greatest Hits Vol. 5 – How to Live With Contrasting Beliefs

We are all complex beings, made up of contrasts. Discipline and wildness. Security and freedom. Worldly and divine.

There are dichotomies everywhere. It’s part of nature, and we are all a part of that.

Yet often we are asked to choose only one aspect of ourselves and lose or leave the other. And for many of us, our culture believes it’s hypocritical to stand with one foot in each contrasting space.

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Ep. 102: Start Close In

I had a recent client who had a really tough time with letting go of the “how” before allowing herself to be happy, relaxed, and free. Everyday she felt anxious and even downright panicked because she didn’t have “The Plan” for how to create the life she wanted.

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Ep. 101: Own Your Accomplishments

In the past, I’ve talked a bit about imposter syndrome and why it totally makes sense that it arises because of the societal structure we live in (hello consumer-based, patriarchal society). Today, I want to share an amazing tool that I started to use to overcome my own imposter syndrome. Because yes… it still pops up.

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Ep. 99: Rebel Purpose

Are you confused about what your purpose is – your soul purpose? If so, this Episode is for you, because confusion about one’s purpose is often a sign of something more insidious going on.

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Ep. 98: How to Stop Hustling

You may have heard me say that being an entrepreneur can be filled with spiritual growth. I still believe this 100%. I have never expanded my comfort zone, dug deep with my limiting beliefs, learned to cultivate deep compassion for myself, and committed to serving others so much that I was willing to do scary shit as I have when being an entrepreneur.

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Ep. 97: Psychedelics and Spiritual Practice

To a lot of people, the words psychedelic and spiritual are paradoxical. But the use of psychoactive substances in shamanic, religious, and spiritual practices is found throughout history, with evidence from thousands of years ago. In this episiode, we will be talking about psychedelics and spiritual practice and if there is a helpful role for them…or the potential harm.

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