Welcome to Day 4!
It’s time to ‘fess up to all the good things in your life!
Showing gratitude is a practice in being clear about what you DO have. Happiness studies have shown that people who spend a mere 15 minutes per week doing some kind of gratitude practice are significantly happier than those who don’t. That’s right – not 15 minutes a day, but 15 minutes a WEEK!
Gratitude Journal
Have a journal dedicated just for this purpose. Once a day, take 5-10 minutes to write down the things you are grateful for. Of course, studies have shown that even 15 minutes of this once a week is beneficial. Be open to the big things as well as the small surprises and simple life events. At a minimum, write down 3 things a day you are grateful for.
Write three things you feel gratitude for here:
Daily/Nightly practice
This is a shorter version of the above. Every morning, when you wake up, let one of the first thoughts that enters your mind be three things you are grateful for. You can even speak these out loud. In the evening, review your day and add on three things that you experienced that day for which you are grateful. You’ll be surprised at how this exercise helps you appreciate the things in your life that may have previously gone unnoticed!
Check out the eBook for more on Gratitude and creating Affirmations!
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